วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 ก.ย. 2562

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 พ.ย. 2565

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On 1 February 2018, the Royal Thai Government launched the SMART Visa Programme, designed to enhance Thailand’s attractiveness to science and technology experts, senior executives, investors and Startups.  A SMART Visa is offered to foreign experts, executives, entrepreneurs and investors who wish to enter into the Kingdom of Thailand to work or to invest in the following “10 S-Curve” industries or the country’s targeted industries. It is hoped that it will enhance knowledge transfer and increase the competitiveness of Thailand in the global economy. 

The SMART Visa is a new type of visa specially designed to encourage highly-skilled professionals and talents to work or invest in the 10 targeted S-Curve industries, namely (1) next-generation automotive, (2) smart electronics, (3) affluent, medical and wellness tourism, (4) agriculture and biotechnology, (5) food for the future, (6) robotics, (7) aviation and logistics, (8) biofuels and biochemicals, (9) digital, and (10) medical hub.

The four categories of people who are eligible to apply for SMART Visa are (1) Talent (2) Investor (3) Executive (4) Startup and (5) Others (i.e. legal dependents, namely spouse and children, if any). 

The SMART Visa provides more benefits and privileges than any other types of visa. These benefits include: 

(1) Visa validity up to 4 years (instead of the usual 1 year)

(2) No requirement of work permit

(3) Extension of reporting of stay to Immigration Bureau – from every 90-day to every year 

(4) The right of legal dependents (spouse and children who are over 18 years of age) of the SMART Visa holder to live and work in Thailand equivalent to SMART visa holder (only for SMART Visa holder in Talent category).


For visa fees, please see the visa fee page.


For more information, please visit the website of the Board of Investment of Thailand at


To submit your smart visa application, please go to

All required supporting documents have to be scanned and uploaded. Applicant must print the confirmation page and submit it with the hardcopy of all supporting documents, together with the completed and signed CRITERIA AND CONDITIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMNT FORM FOR THE TEMPORARY STAY PERMIT IN THE KINGDOM (SMART VISA), in person or by post, either to:

- The Royal Thai Embassy,

   110 Molesworth Street, Thorndon,

    P.O. Box 12247, WELLINGTON   


- One-Stop Service Centre for Visa and Work Permit (OSS)

  Chamchuri Square Building

  Phyathai Road

  Pathumwan District

  Bangkok 10330                                                                                                                                                   



For more information, please click BOI's SMART Visa Brochure.



